Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Roseola... :(

Wow... It's been a long time since I wrote on here. Lets see... Where do I start??? Grant has not been feeling well. I took him to the doctor Monday because he had been running a low grade temp since Sunday. Well his ears looked good but, his throat was a little red. Dr. White took a strep test and it came back negative, thank goodness. She noticed that his bottom gums beside his 2 teeth were a little swollen. She mentioned that he could have roseola. She said if he breaks out in a rash in a few days then that's what it is. Well guess what... this morning I noticed a rash on Grant's face and neck. As the day progressed the rash got worse. The bad thing about it is there is nothing that can be done. It just has to run its course. Dr. White said the rash will probably last 3-5 days. I will be so glad when my baby starts feeling better. :(

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Misc. Pics

Look Mommy... I held on 8 seconds... ;)

First time eating corn...

Jump, Jump, Jump for Joy

Grant loves his Baby Einstein Bouncy.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I had the best 1st Mother's Day any mother could ask for.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Boo Boo :(

Grant's 1st Boo Boo. :( (He rolled and hit his head on the faucet after getting a bath.)